I was going to title this post 'Hand Love' but then my brain registered how dodgy that actually sounds. My nails (and hands) have taken a bit of a beating over the past few weeks cause of work and washing up, but today they finally got a coat of paint and I thought I'd do a quick review of the polishes I used.
For starters these look tiny because one is a sample and the other is a 'Mini'. The pink shade (sample) on the left is NailFinity (704) Disco Pink and the darker one is MaxEffect Mini (24) inIntense Plum both are lovely colours and go on smoothly. However, the MaxEffect one also like to come off with equal ease; it will either smudge off in the hours after being painted on, or do that thing where it has chipped off the top of your nails within a day. I think selling mini's is a great idea as you can test out what the colours actually look like without forking out loads (The full range of minis is avaliable here for £2.99 each) but unfortunately I can't see myself upgrading this one.
The NailFinity one is slightly more durable, and is just the right side of hot pink. The full size version retails at £5.99 for 10ml and comes in the gold max factor packaging with a conical bottle. On average it take about 2 coats to get a full coverage which is pretty standard, and in the picture i've gone over it with No7 Top Coat (which by the way is amazing, and does meet its claim that it is 'Touch Dry in 60 seconds'.a
I really like the no7 top coat aswell. I've just run out of it and I'm using a Sally Hansen one, but I prefer the no7 x :-)